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What's New in Events

Join Amy on October 1st
at the Design for Persuasion Conference in Brussels, Belgium

Nov Web 2.0 Keybote at the ICC
Nov 5th International Computer Conference in Hong Kong



Inviting Amy Shuen of the Web 2.0 Strategy Group to speak at your next event will energize and inspire your group to get more done with less faster--while "exponentially" powering up your strategy and innovation thinking and approach.

When you’re kicking off a major corporate event with key suppliers, distributors, customers, partners or having a mission-critical problem-solving strategy session with inside folks--having a highly sought-after authority and thought leader with top academic and industry credentials like Amy Shuen--makes a huge difference. The level of discussion and measurable results gets a quantum boost.

"Amy is an amazing communicator, and brings her enthusiasm and high energy combined with deep knowledge…She's great with senior executives…and gets all levels and groups excited about moving forward...."

Her audiences often include:

Leaders who see the hype and want to dig deeper into the business case & ROI ...

Innovators who want to benchmark best practices in other industries & geos...

Project leaders and entrepreneurs, inside and outside the corporation who want to leverage the Web more effectively for faster, better results....

Speech Topics

Invited speeches are always customized to the audience and recent examples and compelling cases relevant to the industry and conference goals…any of the speech topics can be combined and customized appropriately to your event. 

Recent Keynote and Conference Speaking Topics include:

Web X.0: When the World puts the Web to Work (Nov Keynote at the HKICC)

Web 2.0 Strategy:  Doing good while making money (Oct DesignforPersuasion)

See the Conference Keynote link for more information

Short Biography for Speaking Engagements--Amy Shuen (203 words)

Amy Shuen is the best-selling author of Web 2.0:  A Strategy Guide, translated into 7 languages including Chinese.  A business school strategy and entrepreneurship professor and advisor/corporate strategist/venture capitalist, Amy is equally compelling in the classroom and the boardroom—and in leading initiatives for startup teams as well as senior executives.  She splits her time between Silicon Valley, Europe and Asia.

Amy is a Professor of Management Practice at the China Europe International Business School, formerly at Wharton and UC Berkeley.  She is the co-author of one of the most influential and cited articles in the strategy field, Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management.  Her awards include First Robert Noyce Fellow at Berkeley, Sloan Fellow, Yale National Scholar.

Amy co-founded the Silicon Valley Strategy Group, guiding the strategic corporate investments and shaping the executive committee agendas of several large multinationals.  She was an international partner in the corporate strategy consulting firm formed by Regis McKenna and OC&C.  Before her doctorate studies, she was a marketing executive at Intel and an entrepreneur-in-residence at Procter & Gamble. 

BS Double Major Engineering and English Literature, Yale University
MBA Harvard Business School
PhD Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

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